
This blog is designed as a place for Pre-K and ECE teachers to share ideas. Please feel free to participate. However, please note, this blog will be based upon Christian standards and no inappropriate content will be tolerated.

PSALM 127 "Children are a gift from the Lord"

Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 4- Technology Class

We learned to do some really cool things today with videos, audio, and productions. I can see me using these with my class AND family. I just hope I can remember how to do it all after the class is over. We've also done some group work and my group explored ebooks.  I don't own one of the devices so I was fasinated with looking at the ones that were there to share. I may just have to acquire one of those little deals sometime soon. Fun stuff!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 3 Technology Class

I've learned about a site called Second Life. To me, it is kind of scary sounding, however, the teacher says that if used appropriately it can be a good place.  He even held classes there once. I'll probably check it out, but doubt that I'll join the virtual world in this form- we'll see.  I guess I'm old school and dating myself, I still prefer real face to face conversation to "read" facial and body reactions- even though I do enjoy things like instant messaging and Facebook communication as a way of keeping up with friends and family. He says that often people use it as a way to escape their own life and present themselves in a different light. Guess if you want to "try out" another life or look it may be the place for you to go.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 2 Technology Class

Woo Hoo- I just learned to do some really cool things with Word. Be on the lookout for some cool things in my emails and writings to come! (At least I hope I can remember how to use it all.)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 1 of Technology Class

Whew- I just thought I knew a few things about a computer- geeze, I feel totally computer whacko! There is so much new technology out there to explore, learn and use. OK, so turning 50 this year isn't an excuse for  not keeping up, but I think it may take me a little time to catch up with this train.  This class will take me out of my comfort zone, but this old bird isn't ready to give up learning new tricks just yet- stay tuned!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Technology Use in Pre-K

  I use computers in my classroom daily. At times I am there to guide and direct my students. Other times they are using the equipment independently.  Either way, I control the sites that they are visiting and the information that they are accessing.  I have a firm policy that they only use the sites I have designated as "OK" and they know that they will be promptly removed for visiting other sites. Some of the sites that I find most useful are:


Many children's book authors have sites that are great also! Here are some really great ones.


Here are some very thought provoking discussion on technology use in prekindergarten/preschool that I found on the web.





Color My World

While teaching a unit on color blending, the children in my class enjoyed the following activities:
1. tie dye shirts (we wear them every Monday) Each child picked from 4 designs, helped to rubberband their own shirt, and then squirted the paint! They absolutely love them
2. rainbow pudding snacks (I used vanilla pudding and we used food coloring to create a variety of colors)

3. coffee filter water color blending (use an eye dropper to drip water color paint slowly onto the coffee filter and the colors will bleed together and form new colors)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


While studying careers, we created a beauty/barber shop in our dramatic play area. Since I work at a career high school (that happens to have a cosmetology department) we ended the unit by having a "spa day." The children loved being pampered. Since most schools don't have this advantage, you could adapt by having a cosmetology class come to your school or maybe a local beautician and their staff.